What this Site Can Do For You

You’ve just landed on the number one website designed to
teach medical professionals to create their very own lucrative private medical practices.
This is a journey I have travelled myself, so I know what I am talking about.
This site is by doctors, for doctors.
My mission is to help YOU, Step by Step, Achieve YOUR financial security by combining your hard won medical skills with essential business know how.
You will learn what your medical school failed to teach you – the business skills needed to monetise your medical skills and training to optimum effect.
Most importantly, I want you to achieve this with maximum speed, minimum stress and whilst retaining (or regaining!) your ethics and sanity.
Hi there. My name is Brian D’Souza, doctor, medical entrepreneur, speaker and writer.
Welcome to my blog which is my small contribution to the medical profession.
I want to live in a world where doctors are once again valued and where medicine is a valued profession. In other words, the old world that we thought existed when we first qualified. The world that you and your parents were so excited about on your graduation day. Not the new world of ever increasing workload, health managers, crippling control and fear of litigation.
You can take back control of your career- by learning and mastering the business skills required to monetise your medical skills. You can return to caring for patients on your terms, with the income, control and status that you deserve.
The Problem
I have seen too many doctors, nurses and other medical colleagues suffer from burnout. That combination of overwork, excessive external control by “the system”, frustration, cynicism and career regret. That almost happened to me, and I don’t want it to happen to you.
The Non Solution
Firstly, stop looking outside, elsewhere, to someone else or to someplace else. The solution usually will not lie elsewhere – in a better job, a better hospital, a better system, or a better country. I know, because tried them all myself.
The Real Solution
The solution lies in that 5 to 10% of knowledge that your medical school failed to teach you. That same knowledge that lawyers, accountants, bankers and others did get taught – the knowledge of how the business and commercial world works. That is what you must master to gain control of your destiny.
Business Skills For Doctors……
…are really not that hard, and should be as essential a part of a medical school curriculum as anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. But it isn’t so, and all of us – doctors, our families and our patients – suffer as a result.
What are these Business Skills? The ability to specialise, assemble a business, brand and market it, monetise it, optimise it and thrive. The ability to integrate this business, other investments, family life and self care into your own sweet spot.
With this knowledge you can regain control of your career, your income, your life and find your own ‘Sweet Spot”.
You will finally be able to take back control of your destiny.
About This Site
For many years I was a family doctor, firstly in the UK and then in Australia. Although I loved my vocation, I had all the challenges, frustrations, stresses and financial “catching up” that I’m sure many of you currently have.
Now I am a reasonably successful “niche physician” and medical entrepreneur. Specifically, I own and operate a large multi doctor Skin Cancer and Cosmetic Medicine Clinic, in the glorious city of Perth, Western Australia. Our website screenshots are here on the right.
The best part of my life is that, away from my well-paid and thoroughly enjoyable medical career, I have more than enough time to devote to my family, my dogs, my windsurfing and the great outdoors.
But it wasn’t at all easy. Just ask my long suffering wife. I think I must have made every mistake, and gone up every dead end in my search for the “perfect medical career”.
Eventually, I have achieved enough that “perfect career” for my needs (and you will too). I really want to show other doctors at least one way of taking control, escaping the medical rat race, living your career / life on your own terms and re discovering your passion for medicine. It may not the only way to escape, but it certainly worked for me.
But enough about me, what has this site got to offer YOU?
I suspect that you too have, more than once, thought about following a similar entrepreneurial path, or dreamt about that “perfect job” or “perfect system”. I know, because I was in exactly the same position. You may even have considered giving up medicine altogether. Please don’t do this, because there IS a much better way to balance your work, life and income.
It’s pretty simple – pick a niche of medicine you love, learn how to monetise it and move step by step towards career and financial independence. This is what this website is all about.
I would have given my right arm to have had all this information when I started out on my entrepreneurial journey. Especially when organised into a logical system of learning. You can have it all, as this is my way of giving a little back to my fellow doctors and my profession .
- Hopefully, it will allow you to reclaim your zest for your career, your family and your life.
- To earn the high income you deserve.
- To put yourself in a position where you can look your patients, your family and, most importantly, yourself.
- And do so within a reasonable comfort zone, without compromising your ethics, your lifestyle or your sanity.
If enough of us do this, you never know, maybe the world will be a bit easier for the next generation of doctors. We certainly deserve it.
Just Getting Started ?
How to find your perfect medical niche – and master it…..
Know Your Niche?
Here’s where you learn the essential steps to assemble your brand and your business…….
Already in Business?
Proven Medical Marketing techniques to monetise and optimise your business, and turn it into a cash machine……
Working Yourself to Death?
How to leverage your time and effort so you can earn much more whilst reducing your hours……
Ready to Take the First Step?
Watch this Short Intro Video
Learn why Doctors struggle financially- far more than they ever should
There are 7 Principles vital to achieve business success in medicine.
Download the 7 Principles Info Pack – PDF report, video and worksheet
Start Designing Your New Medical Career