Complete Step by Step Blueprints to master your vital business building tasks
We call them Action Plan 123s because they guide you stepwise, 1..2..3.., from Zero to Completion
Coming Soon…..
AP123: Selecting My Perfect Niche
Just Starting? No Niche and No Idea? Learn how to choose your ideal private medical niche, suited to your talents,interests and profile.
Use this Action Plan to understand the 3 key requirements of your perfect niche, the first and most important step of your new medical destiny…
AP123: Your Launch Map Blueprint
When and How Do I take the Plunge? This conundrum commonly faces the wannabe entrepreneurial doctor :– When do I take the plunge from my safe employment haven into a dedicated niche medical practice – and survive from a real world business point of view? This point occurs when you have done all the “safe” preliminary work – studying, planning and preparation. In other words all the things you can do relatively easily, cheaply, painlessly, invisibly and without fear . You are now treading water wondering How, Where and When to Launch.
This AP123 introduces you to the 5 Medical Business Launch Models, and shows you how to select the best one for you…
AP123: Customer Acquisition Funnel
This Action Plan systematically explains every part of your marketing machine, how it operates and how it all fits together synergistically. It will allow you to design, build and operate your own medical Cash Machine.
Think of it as your complete medical marketing business model, in a box. Learn it , understand it and then apply each step to your niche.
AP123: Your Complete Medical Website Template
This Action Plan is designed to get the basics of your website up and running. Your entire website is simply a series of linked pages, each with a predetermined structure, content type and logical sequence to them all. This gives you the complete template of:
- Specific Architecture of each page
- Specific Text sections for each page
- Specific Image sections for each page
- What sort of text and what sort of image goes into each “slot”.
With this Action Plan, you can have your complete website structure and content done within a few days, ready for your designer/ programmer to bring it to life.

AP123: Setting Up Your Brand in a Weekend
This Action Plan 123 is a step-by-step instruction on how to set up your Brand Identity. This particular exercise will influence and determine your whole spectrum of products, positioning and pricing, and will hence affect every aspect of your business.
Design your Optimum Brand Identity , step by step, using “competitive modelling” and without having to re invent the wheel
AP123: Seven Principles to Niche Optimization
This Action Plan is going to cover the Seven Principles that separate successful medical businesses from average medical practitioners and clinics. They are what what transformed my medical practice.
You will need to know them right from the start from when you are choosing a niche, and when you are designing and assembling your medical practice around that niche.